Smudge Kit


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Available in Sweetgrass, Cedar, or Sage, depending on seasonality. Each kit has 8 items:

a scented 1 oz. hand sanitizer, 2 oz. scented body lotion, 2 oz. scented body wash, I sponge, 1 month concentrated Osha, 1 face mask, and a sweet grass, cedar or sage smudge stick and travel bag.  

Protect yourselves and the ones you love; mind, body, spirit and soul! 

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During the times of virus-related pandemics of the past, our Indigenous peoples used their own medicines to combat and survive those periods. Instrumental was the brush off or better known as the “smudge.” Medicinal plants and roots respective to our environments were traditionally harvested and used for protection.

Again, we find ourselves in times of uncertainty. I have prepared a limited amount of smudge kits for individuals who would like to gift or protect themselves and their homes in a traditional manner, to help provide a traditional peace of mind. Each sacred herb has been harvested using traditional protocol. 



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